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Los veteranos de los Estados Unidos eligen a Panamá como lugar de retiro debido a todos los beneficios que el país les ofrece.
Considerado el mejor lugar para retirarse, Panamá es pionero en servicios para veteranos y retirados de Estados Unidos. El país ofrece una excelente calidad de vida, conexiones aéreas a cualquier parte del mundo, descuentos en servicios básicos, flexibilidad legal y migratoria.
Una de las razones principales por la que muchos americanos veteranos o retirados deciden vivir en Panamá, es que los servicios médicos son muy económicos y pueden encontrar doctores capacitado para atender cualquier tipo de necesidad médica. Hospitales con lo último en servicios y pruebas de diagnóstico. Medicamentos con o sin prescripción están disponibles a precios bajos, además las coberturas de los seguros de salud tienen un precio razonable para cualquier edad.
Uno de los requisitos principales es que el ingreso mensual o pensión no podrá ser menor a Mil ($1,000) Dólares Americanos y deberá estar garantizada de por vida según el Decreto 28: Ver decreto
El primer paso es contactar a un abogado (Analistas Jurídicos) especialista en Migración que indique si puedes o no aplicar a algún permiso de residencia. En caso de que puedas aplicar, sigue las indicaciones del abogado para que realices los trámites.
Panamá es el hogar del segundo Centro Internacional Bancario más grande del mundo y además ha sido nombrado como el mejor país para jubilarse, una de las múltiples razones es que quién se jubila aquí no paga impuestos por las rentas obtenidas en el extranjero, así como sus bajos costos de vida. Los bancos ofrecen varias alternativas para sus cuentas bancarias y ahorros y le aseguramos que las instituciones financieras recomendadas en este informe son totalmente seguras.
Se otorgará la residencia legal y acceso a todos los descuentos para pensionados. Una exención única de impuestos sobre la importación de enseres domésticos (hasta $10,000). Una exención tributaria cada dos años cuando se importe o (aún mejor) se compre un automóvil localmente.
50% de descuento en entretenimiento en cualquier parte del país (cines, teatros, conciertos, eventos deportivos) 30% de descuento en las tarifas de autobús, barco y tren 25% de descuento en los boletos de avión 25% de descuento en facturas de la luz 30% a 50% de descuento en estadías de hoteles 15% de descuento en facturas de hospital Ver mas
To whom it may concern:
I am writing this to talk about what VSO Mike Hines and Butcher have done for me.
I was admitted into Hospital Brisas because of a possible heart issue. Butcher took charge and followed up withy care, and expedited exams by technicians and doctors at the hospital.
The physicians and staff at Brisas were more than just care givers. I have never known or experienced such an outstanding level of concern and true caring that I received there.
Mike Hayes did a tremendous job in a matter of just a few days coordinating flights, admissions, doctors and procedures.
Butcher's follow up was second to none. He kept me informed every step of the way and always making sure I was OK.
Hospital Brisas should be proud of their staff and outstanding facility. It felt like a five-star hotel. Even the Director introduced himself and welcomed me.
I appreciate the efforts of Mike for opening my eyes to this top notch organization. I would encourage all Veterans to enlist the services of a VSO. I feel so fortunate to have been helped by Mike and Butcher to handle my case.
I hope that Mike and Butcher forward my total gratitude for the whole team effort, and for the kindness and professional manner in which they performed.David S. DeLany
David Mullis and I thank you so mucho for all your kind attention.
Everyone was so helpful, very skilled al their Jobs and helping David deal with shis anxiety.
This is the way patients should always be treated and you do it the best we have seen.
We are so pleased to be able to have your special kind of care in Panama.
Again our many thanks to EVERYONE on the staff.
When we pushed call button, they always came right away.
Much appreciated.David Mullis
Fort he staff of Veterans Services: Araceli, Rey Cox, JR and Emilka in David, Dr. F. Fonseca, Dr. J. Cardona and Dr. Marchena, we are very greateful for all you did to coordinate this Procedure. We truly feel David is now in Good hands with the doctors taking care of him.
The personal attention is beyond any we were getting in the United States.
We are fortunate to be here in your beautiful and friendly country.David Mullis
With this letter I thank Dr. Fonseca, Federico and make recomendation to his attention, to details which have been great.
I would recommend Dr. Fonseca to other veterans because I know he will serve them well as he did with me.Dorothy Welsh
I want to thank Araceli Reyes for all her help in all lof my needs between doctors.
Her wellingness to assist me is greatly appreciated.
I recommend her ability and work to Veterans I am connected to.
Thank you very much Miss Reyes.Dorothy Welsh
I am writing this letter to thank Dr. Catherine Rios and to whom it may concern,
that Dr. Rios have been superb in her care and attention to my medical care and my needs as her patient.
I have been happy, pleased to have her in my care here at Brisas Hospital.
I would recomend her to anyoena.Dorothy Welsh
This letter is to thank and recommend Mr. Rey Cox for all of his attention to my needs.
I found Mr. Cox to be extremely helpful with my VA process of disability information.
I certanly would recommend Mr. Cox to other Veterans in need of help, because he is willing to point Veterans in the right direction.
Again, Thanks.Dorothy Welsh
Rey, we are back in Florida to sell my house. We thank you for all you did for us. Thank you so much. We want to show our appreciation to you, dr card one for everything. Can we send some money to buy pizza for all shifts on our ward to show our appreciation. What is the best way to do this. It was so different from a stay in an american hospital. If we have to fly down to PTY we’ll do that. Please let me know. Thank you for everything.
Barbara Psihogios
Attached is a copy of the VA's December 14, 2021 "decision letter" that takes me to 100% total and permanent. This has been a long time in coming, but certainly worth the effort. Thank you for your and your team's support in getting me to this point.
I find it difficult to contact Dr. Fonseca at times, and so I am wondering if you could please relay this rating achievement, and thank him on my behalf for all of his support as well.
The new rating is based on my previously claimed disability related to ulcerative colitis. This VA decision letter is a result of my request from about two years ago to review the VA's earlier determination of 0% compensation and also to to back date the effective date to my original August 2017 "intent to file" notification, etc., and it also includes other claims that have been in process for a long time, including the loss of use of creative organs, anemia, etc. The PTSD claim is still pending. The VA agreed with my logic in reviewing that claim, and used the words "...a clear and unmistakable error is found...". I view that as a fairly significant admission on their part. Hooray!
Again, I cannot tell you how much we (Marcelyn and I) appreciate your support. From our first eyeball meeting in your office many years ago we have been through a lot. But you never waivered, and that is greatly appreciated.
I find the timing of this new rating decision and our departure from Panama somewhat ironic, but it is what it is.
Respectfully, and with much appreciation,Bud Huber